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鄧麗君 – 淡淡幽情 (Remastered by ARS)


This product is on back order. Due to increased global demand and reduced production caused by Covid-19, we stop taking in back orders. Please get in touch with us about possibility of restock.

SKU: 602567484721 Categories: , , , , ,

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Side A
1. 独上西楼 【词牌: 哀思】(南唐)
2. 但愿人长久 【词牌: 水调歌头】(宋)
3. 几多愁 【词牌: 虞美人】(南唐)
4. 芳草无情 【词牌: 苏幕遮】(宋)
5. 清夜悠悠 【词牌: 桃园忆故人】(宋)
6. 有谁知我此时情 【词牌: 鹧鸪天】(宋)

Side B
1. 臙脂泪【词牌:相见欢】(南唐)
2. 万叶千声【词牌:玉楼春】(宋)
3. 人约黄昏后【词牌: 生查子】(宋)
4. 相看泪眼【词牌:雨霖铃】(宋)
5. 欲说还休【词牌:丑奴儿】(宋)
6. 思君【词牌:卜算子】(宋)

Albums By Same Artist: 鄧麗君 Teresa Teng

Collection: 环球唱片(香港)

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