Mariana In Our Heads – Landscapes (LP)


Mariana in our Heads, a dream pop band based in Kyoto and Osaka, will release their long-awaited 1st full-length album from Sailyard for the first time in about 6 years!

In the 1st EP “Since You Get Home” released in 2017, it develops a dreamy sound like a scene of a room or bedroom as an “escape from society”.
This work expands on the aforementioned theme, with the motif of “untouched, unspoiled nature”.
The lead tracks “Garden” and “Nostalgia”, which sound dreamy and melancholic sounds spun with fragile and hazy vocals and layered synth layers, and indie music like the band’s early days. A dream pop history that includes 11 songs, including “Next Night,” which has a strong pop-element guitar sound and a sparkling melody, and “Peace,” which has a beautiful melody of synths and a rhythm corps beat that creates a pleasant floating feeling. A masterpiece that will remain is born.

Like the previous work, label mate Koji Takagi (Pictured Resort) is in charge of mixing and mastering.
The jacket uses a newly drawn work by the up-and-coming illustrator witness, and it is a discerning content that builds the fantastic world of the band.

For Fans Of…
Beach House, The Bilinda Butchers, Brother Tiger, Craft Spells, motifs, Teen Daze, Tycho, Washed Out, Wild Nothing etc…

A dream pop band that has been active since 2014 based in Kyoto-Osaka.
In 2017, 7” single “Anemone / Yarn” and 1st EP “Since You Get Home” were released from Saiyard.
Since 2018, he has participated in the compilation work of Sunday Records, a prestigious US indie pop label.
The long-awaited 1st album will be released in July 2023.
Member Takuya Morimoto (Dr) is also active as the drummer for the indie pop band Barbara, and Shun Kagawa (Syn / Key) has released three beat tapes under the name Solitude 2:14am.

京都~大阪を拠点に活動するドリーム・ポップ・バンド、Mariana in our Headsによる約6年ぶりの単独作にして、待望の1stフル・アルバムがSailyardよりリリース!

2017年リリースの1st EP『Since You Get Home』では”社会からの逃げ場”として部屋やベッドルームの情景のような夢見心地なサウンドを展開。
儚げで薄靄がかったヴォーカルと幾重にも重ねられたシンセ・レイヤーによって紡がれたドリーミーでメランコリック・サウンドを鳴らすリードトラック「Garden」や「Nostalgia」、バンドの活動初期の頃のようなインディー・ポップ要素の強いギター・サウンドが煌めくメロディを纏い疾走する「Next Night」、シンセの美しいメロディとリズム隊によるビートが心地よい浮遊感を生む「Peace」など、全11曲を収録したドリーム・ポップ史に残るであろう名盤が誕生。

前作同様、ミックスとマスタリングはレーベルメイトの_木恒志 (Pictured Resort)が担当。

For Fans Of…
Beach House, The Bilinda Butchers, Brother Tiger, Craft Spells, motifs, Teen Daze, Tycho, Washed Out, Wild Nothing etc…

<Mariana in our Heads(マリアナ・イン・アワー・ヘッズ)>
2017年に7”シングル『Anemone / Yarn』、1st EP『Since You Get Home』をSailyardよりリリース。
2018年以降はUSの名門インディー・ポップ・レーベル、Sunday Recordsのコンピレーション作品へ参加。待望となる1stアルバムを2023年7月にリリース。
また、メンバーのTakuya Morimoto (Dr)はインディー・ポップ・バンドBarbaraのドラマーとしても活動、Shun Kagawa (Syn / Key)はSolitude 2:14am名義でビート・テープを3作品発表している。

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Disclaimer: embeded Spotify player is for your convenience for music sampling. We are unable to guarantee the accuracy of the track listing or that the version on digital platform is the same as the record version.

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A1. Ether
A2. Garden
A3. Shadow
A4. Arkham
A5. Next Night
A6. Nostalgia

B1. Lily
B2. Origin
B3. Bloom
B4. Imitation
B5. Peace

Collection: Sailyard