Neco 眠る – 実家の鍵 (LP)


コロナ禍でそのマイペースな活動にさらに拍車がかかり、 実質的活動休止期間を経て、
メンバー各自の生活環境やマインドの変化を反映させつつ、 やはり変わりようの無い「neco眠る節」が詰まった作品。
ジャケットアートワークは増田薫(思い出野郎Aチーム)が担当。 エンジニアはDr.西平(STUDIO LUB LAB)

neco眠る profile
2002年大阪にて結成。 オシリペンペンズ、DODDODOと共にレーベル「こんがりおんがく」を主宰。
大小様々なイベントやフェス等で、ユニークかつ妙にダンサブルな音楽を 極限までマイペースに鳴らし続け、はや20年。
どうしたら彼らと違うことができるか考えてるうちに訳が分からんくなって、 力抜けた時に出た屁」の様な音楽。
ただ、その屁は妙に良い音だった。 現在のメンバーは森雄大(Gt)、伊藤コーポレーション(株)(Ba)、
BIOMAN(SYNTH)、 栗原ペダル(Gt)、三木章弘(Dr)、おじまさいり(SYNTH)の6名、


Neco Nemuru's 4th album in 6 years, celebrating their 20th anniversary in 2022.
The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated their self-paced activities, and after a period of substantial hiatus,
While reflecting the changes in each member's living environment and mindset, this work is filled with the unchanging “Neco Sleeping Song''.
A total of 14 songs, including the pre-release single "Juni Mushoku", which has an impressive speeding guitar riff and marimba.
The jacket artwork is by Kaoru Masuda (Omoide Yaro A Team). The engineer is Dr. Nishihira (STUDIO LUB LAB)

Neco Nemuru'sprofile
Formed in Osaka in 2002. He runs the label "Kongariongaku" with Osiripen Penz and DODDODO.
It's been 20 years since I've been playing unique and strangely danceable music at my own pace at events and festivals of all sizes.
To explain his musicality in an easy-to-understand way, he says, “I have a lot of great artists as seniors,
While I was thinking about how I could do something different from them, I couldn't make sense of it, and the music was like a fart that came out when I was exhausted.
However, that fart had a strangely good sound. Current members are Yudai Mori (Gt), Ito Corporation (Ba),
6 people: BIOMAN (SYNTH), Kurihara Pedal (Gt), Akihiro Miki (Dr), Ojima Sairi (SYNTH),
Each member is active in various units/bands and solo activities, forming a huge people tree.

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Disclaimer: embeded Spotify player is for your convenience for music sampling. We are unable to guarantee the accuracy of the track listing or that the version on digital platform is the same as the record version.

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Side A
01 ラム串2本
02 準無職
03 明るい田舎
04 本格中華
05 漁
06 絶景ポイント
07 温泉

Side B
01 いい子
02 ちくわの天ぷら
03 ドライブ
04 夏祭り
05 実家の鍵
06 大人になっても

Collection: Toyokasei